This list was compiled in May, 2011. It is a partial list that we will continue to fill out. It is primarily native plants in a 3-4 acre area, but mostly those we consider to be interesting. It needs to be expanded to include the many less noticeable, or even annoying, plants that cohabit with their more favored brethren. But it is a start.
The list reflects our use of native plants in the landscape. In some cases, we have entire beds of native plants. In others, natives are mixed with cultivars. And in still others, we have noted plants at the edge of the yard or stream that we like and value but are mixed in with the "weeds." These distinctions can be inferred from the location attribute.
The list is currently maintained as an excel spreadsheet, but we hope to extend it to a database format.
Common Name Biological Name Location Comments 1 Chicory Cichorium intybus parking area 2 Butterfly weed Asclepias tuberosa parking area orange 3 Tansy Tanacetum vulgare parking area 4 Queen Anne's lace Daucus carota parking area 5 Dandelion Taraxacum officinale parking area 6 Ginger (wild) Asarum canadense chestnut tree bed 7 Hepatica Hebatica americana chestnut tree bed 8 Snakeroot Actaea racemosa chestnut tree bed Black cohosh 9 Blue cohosh Caulophyllum thalictroides chestnut tree bed 10 Doll's eyes Actaea pachypoda chestnut tree bed 11 Bloodroot Sanguinaria canadensi chestnut tree bed 12 Solomon's seal Polygonatum commutatum chestnut tree bed cultivar 13 Virginia waterleaf Hydrophyllum virginianum chestnut tree bed 14 Solomon's plume Maianthemum racemosum chestnut tree bed 15 Blue-eyed grass Sisyrinchium chestnut tree bed 16 Sweet fern Comptonia peregrina chestnut tree bed by steps 17 Purple coneflower Echinacea purpurea house foundation: west 18 Bergamot Monarda didyma house foundation: west red, Bee balm 19 Royal Osumnda regalis fernbed 20 Maidenhair Adiantum fernbed 21 Bracken Pteridium aquilinum fernbed 22 Interrupted Osmunda claytoniana fernbed 23 Cinnamon Osmunda cinnamomea fernbed 24 Christmas Polystichum acrostichoides fernbed 25 Ostrich Matteuccia struthiopteris fernbed 26 Sensitive Onoclea sensibilis fernbed 27 Hay-scented Dennstaedtia punctilobula fernbed 28 Bergamont (Lavender) Mondarda fistulosa meadow index bed 29 Queen Anne's lace Daucus carota meadow index bed 30 Cranberry viburnum Virburnum trilobum woodshed bed, east 31 Elderberry Sambucus canadensis woodshed bed, east 32 Blackhaw viburnum Virburnum prunifolium woodshed bed, east 33 Red osier dogwood Cornus servicea woodshed bed, east 34 Chokeberry Aronia melanocarpa woodshed bed, east 35 Spicebush Lindera benzoin woodshed bed, east 36 Hearts aburstin' Euonymus americanus woodshed bed, east Strawberry bush 37 Wild geranium Geranium maculatum shower bed 38 Kankakee mallow Ilianna remota shower bed 39 Mayapple Podophyllum peltatum shower bed 40 Black cohosh (Snakeroot) Actaea racemosa shower bed 41 Solomon's seal Polygonatum commutatum shower bed cultivar 42 Daylily Hemerocallis fulva shower bed wild, orange, double 43 Amsonia Amsonia tabernaemontana shower bed 44 Gentian Gentian andrewsii shower bed 45 Trillium (White) Trillium grandiflorum shower bed white 46 Wild phlox Phlox divaricate shower bed 47 Blue-eyed grass Sisyrinchium shower bed 48 Crested iris Iris cristata shower bed 49 Yellow-flag iris Iris pseudacorus shower bed 50 Jack-in-the-pulpit Arisaema triphyllum shower bed 51 Green dragon Arisaema dracontium shower bed 52 Goldenseal Hydrastis canadensis shower bed 53 Bloodroot Sanguinaria canadensi across the creek bed 54 Crested iris Iris cristata across the creek bed 55 Ginger Asarum canadense across the creek bed wild 56 Wake-robin Trillium erectum across the creek bed red, Bee balm 57 Trillium (White) Trillium grandiflorum across the creek bed white 58 Columbine Aquilegia canadensis across the creek bed red/yellow 59 Shooting star (While) Dodecathean meadia across the creek bed 60 Ramp Allium tricoccum across the creek bed 61 Doll's eyes Actaea pachypoda across the creek bed 62 Solomon's plume Maianthemum racemosum across the creek bed 63 Aspen (Trembling) Populus tremuloides aspen grove 64 Maidenhair Adiantum aspen grove 65 Foamflower Tiarella coridifolia aspen grove 66 Hoary skullcap Scutellalria incana aspen grove 67 Culver's root Veronicastrum virginicum aspen grove 68 Virgin's bower Clematis virginiana corncrib native 69 Wild cucumber vine Echinocystis lobata corncrib 70 Bindweed Calystegia sepium corncrib
May 14, 2011