Lower Wetland

4.1 Herbaceous Vernal Pools (Built & Planted)

This built and planted wetland is a work in progress.  It is dominated by two small, shallow ponds, each about one-third acre, that were built in 2004 with support from the Penns Valley Conservation Association (PVCA) and U. S. Fish and Wildlife.  These pools are full in the early spring and almost dry out by August, reducing their size by half to two-thirds and exposing mud flats that sprout new growth and invite a variety of birds to browse.  Naturally occurring plants include Cat-tails, Wool Grass, Soft Rush, Green Bulrush, and other sedges and reeds.  This wet/dry behavior and the plants observed identify the wetland as an Herbaceous Vernal Pool in the making.

 The site lies south of the farm lane and is bordered by the stream that comes by the marsh and farm pond and by the front (west) property line.  There are riparian plants, such as Willow and Spotted Alder along the stream, as well as sedges, rushes, and reeds in the wetter areas.  For several years, we have been planting additional trees and shrubs that are consistent with a wetland habitats such as Vernal Pools, and we anticipate continuing doing so.  A major theme is to control views of the pools from the farm lane and trails as well as views from within the wetland to outside areas. 





July 30, 2011