Listed and briefly discussed below are tasks that we believe would enhance the ecology of the identified section of the stream and its riparian surroundings. The order in which we undertake them is not set, and individual tasks will undoubtedly be added and deleted from the list. But, together, they can be vewed as a Palette of Sub-Projects that we will use to guide our thinking and planning. They will also help us prioritize our own efforts and those that we may be able to get volunteer help with or outsource. Priority and sequence shouold not be inferred from the list.
- Remove (or reduce) invasive species of shrubs lining stream banks (e.g., Multiflora Rose, Honeysuckle, Autumn Olive, Black Walnuts)
- Balance removal during a given period of work with leaving adequate cover to not significantly affect stream temperature
- Stabilize banks against any potential erosion caused by invasives removal with desirable native shrubs and small trees (e.g., Shrub Willows, Alder, Viburnum, Elderberry, Serviceberry, American Hornbeam, etc.)
- Clean-up clusters of desirable shrubs (e.g., Nannyberry. Blackhaw, and Arrowwood Viburnum; Spicebush; Shrub Dogwood; American Plum; small trees of various species)
- Add additional individual plants to enlarge desirable species clusters (e.g., enlarge Nannyberry clusters, additonal Serviceberrys and Hornbeans, additional Shrub Dogwoods, etc.)
- Remove invasive Trees, Shrubs, Vines, Herbaceous, and Graminoids, as appropriate
- Remove any debris from stream that inhibits its flow or is unsightly.
- Add new Native Shrubs and trees, as discussed above
- Upgrade stream access as appropriate balanced against encouraging too much foot traffic for the ecological health of the area (e.g., small mowed paths back from the actual stream, small bridges, stepping stone crossings, etc.)