Terrestrial Projects:

Terrestrial terrain is gerally upland and dry, vs. wetland or riparian areas. Chicorylane terrestrial lands are varied, including grasslands, forests on both hilltops and slopes, and wooded shoulders that do not retain moisture. Also included in this group are several areas that require regular or occasional maintenance and which from time to time are incrementally improved. Total terrestrial acreage is approximately 45 under natural conditions, and another 5 are residential and work areas.


Underlyig goals for all these projeccts are to improve the ecological diversity, quality, services, and interest of relatively small areas that can, potentially, aggregate into larger, symbiotic composites. Individual areas often evidence a particular ecological feature, such as a notable specimen (e.g., large old willow treee), or multiple clusters of a particular species (e.g., multiple viberna), or a particular natural formation (e.g., a stream or rock outcropping). The main point is to focus, first, on what is there, and then build on that, keeping the scale and effort doable.

Mulberry Hill

This project is seeking to enhance an area directly adjacent to the Riparian North section of Brush Mountain Run. It is across the stream from and east of the ChicoryLane Farm Pond. It is bounded on the south by the farm lane, on the north by the Wet Meadow, and on the east by a pinetum of conifers and a tractor path. topograhically, the western portion of the area i a continuation of the flood plain next to the stream and rising to a knoll of about 20 feet. It is largely open with numerous clumps of Gray Dogwood and a variety of mast fruit trees including pear, apple, cherry, and Red Mulberry for which it is named. Enhancement will be relatively light, but include removing the usual invasives and adding additional Mulberries and complementary species with diverse fruiting periods.

Locust Shoulder

This project concerns a 2-3 acre shoulder that runs east-west along the hillside  above the Riparian SouthWest segment of Brush Mountain Run. Below the shoulder is the floodplain that is part of that area and just below the steeper hillside that is the Succession West forested area. The primary enhancement effort involves establishing a Black Locust forest with intermixed small trees (Dogwood and Redbud), Viburna. Gray and Silky Dogwod, and an American Plum grove.

Succession East

This area is comprised of two separate forest growths. The extreme eastern segment is a 5-acre segment of a long-established Hemlock - Red Oak-  Northern Mixed Hardwood forest that was the only wooded area of the farm when we moved here 50 years ago. It remains intact and includes in addition to Hemlock and Red Oak, a stand of mature Beech with numerous young offshoots, Hophornbean, and American Hornbean. The western segment, another 3-4 acres, was a pastured hillside 50 years ago. It grew up first in Elm, which all died, followed by Green Ash, most of which died, and now a third generation of maples, cherry, more ash, the occasional Oak, Redbub, Flowering Dogwood, and Serviceberry. This north-facing slope also includes numerous herbaceous plants including Black Cohosh, Triliums, Ginger, Bloodroot, Maidenhair and Wood ferns. The primary enhancement efforts will be to control invasives, add additional shade-loving herbaceous species, as well a diverse mix of shrub and mid-story trees.

Succession West

This area is the most thickly overgrown , the least accessible, and the least visited area of the property. It lies on a very steep hillside above the Locust Shoulder and adjoins a portion of the Forest UpTop. However, we have recently added a crude "logging road" that will provide working access to the upper segment as well as a single path cut at the lower margin. The latter will provide access to the lower segment. The whole area is comprised of a successional growth from the original pasture to a random mix of hardwoods, white pines, and numerous invasive shrubs and vines - i.e., European Bittersweet. There is much work to be done to control invasives, to inventory desirable species, and to introduce other members of the Red Oak community . . .  not to mention reduce damage being done by deer.

Maintenace and Rejuvenation Changes

The two areas/projectws described below are both part of NRCS (Natural Resource Conservation Service) CREP (Concervation Reserve Enhancement Program) projects begun in 2005. Both were begun with 15-year contracts, which have been renewed. Both require yearly and ongoing maintenance. During the next few years, both will be given an extra boost of attention to address some additional mid-growth issues.

Forest UpTop

This is a 12-13 acre project to convert a former agricultural field to a Red Oak - Mixed Norther Hardwood forest. Some 1,500 trees were planted acording to a plan developed in collaboration with NRCS and PA-DCNR (Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources), especially Tim Cole, our local Consulting Forester. This area is approaching mid-growth, including a number of 20-25 foot trees. The main effort will be to replant in selected locations trees that have not survived. And we will do a comprehensive intenive removal of invasives that have crept in. Thus, this is more a maintenance or rejuvenation effort than an enhancement.


This second CREP project is also a repurposing of a former agricultural field. It occupies approximately one-fourth of the property and lies in the north-east quadrant of the property, behind the house and yard areas. It was seeded with a mix of cool and warm season grasses - including Big Blue Stem, Little Blue Stem, Indian, and Switch Grasses, as well as diverse mixes of native wildflowers. The main efforts here will also be rejuvenation  and control of invasives. Areas that have become densely matted with, for example, Switch Grass will be disked or otherwise ttreated to promote new growth. In a few areas, we will explore options to reseed. And, we will continue selected mowing to reduce weed populations - especially Golden Rod - and to promote desired growth.