Riparian East, Part 2


This project is seeking to enhance the continuation of the Part 1 Riparian East stream, from the east edge of the yard upstream until it enters the ChicoryLane property several hunded yards (300) further east. Whereas the Part 1 segment borders the most developed sections of the property adjacent to the house, yard, and barn, the Part 2 segment borders on the north side a naturlized pollinator field and a small portion of a Native Grasses grassland. On the south side is a steep bank and hillside with a remnant section of Hemlock - Red Oak - Mixed Hardwood Forest. A number of native trees unusual in the ChicoryLane property are found here including Hemlocks, Beech trees, as well as American and Hop Hornbean. The main focus of the project is enhancement through increasing seleced species, reducing less desirable or invasive ones, and introduce several complementary new species not ccurrently found in this area. It will largely be a streambank and floodplain enhancement, with minimal additons to the steeper hillside.
