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ChicoryLane eBird
Bird Count Steps

0. Setup
A. Open ChicoryLane eBird System [chicorylane.com/ebird].
B. Open Map and Sightings tabs [left-most menu].
C. In Map tab, enter your watch location and, if necessary, move marker to its center.
D. In Sightings tab, click on Latitude and Longitude labels to import coordinates for your watch location center.
E. Add Days Back number to [just] cover your Watch period.
F. Add Distance number for radius [in kilometers; e.g., 12 km. is approximately 7.5 miles]as the radius for your searches.
G. Select the Build Link button to create a URL to open the ChicoryLane eBird system to your location and parameters for future use.

1. Inclusive Sightings Search

A. Select the Search button
B. Select the Scientific Name heading in the resulting table [to alphabetize the list by species name.
C. [Peruse the table to note the information available.]

2. Prepare Species List for Species Search

A. Select the List Species button to copy Species to the List area [upper right side], in preparation for Species Search. [Note that an eBird sightings search results in a list of unique species, not multiple sightings for the same species].

3. Do Inclusive Species Search

A. Whereas the Sightings Search returns a single sighting for each species [the most recent reported], you will need all sightings for each species in your watch area for count totals.
B. With all of the species observed in your area copied to the List area, select the Search Species button [this search may take a minute or so to complete]. This may produce 1,000 or more species sightings.
C. Peruse the data and then select the Date heading for the table to sort it in ascending order by date [note that you may need to do several sorts on, say, one of the name headings before the Date sort will operate properly - confirm that the dates are in ascending order before proceeding].
D. Store that data for subsequent use before proceeding: select the Multiset Functions link just above the Messages area; then enter a Name for the data [e.g., sightings-all] and select the Store button.

4. Trim to Count Week

A. With the Species Search data ordered by date, trim it to include just the items for the target week; to do this, do the following:
B. Near the Select boxes on the left of the table, right-click to Deselect all items.
C. Scroll down to the first item for your first day of the watch week, select it, and then do the same for the last item for the last day of the week.
D.[With just the first and last items for your watch week checked] right-click near the Select checkboxes and then do two steps: first, cancel the first popup shown, then accept the second one that mentions selecting a range of items.
E. Note that only your species sightings for the watch week are now checked.
F. in the area above the table, select the Trim Results button to remove unchecked items.
G. Store the data for future use by entering a name in the Name field [e.g., week-all] and then selecting the Store button.

5. Aggregate Species Totals for Week

A. With the Watch Week species items checked, scroll up the form and select the Aggregate Species button.
B. After clicking, peruse the data and confirm it is now in ascending order by Scientific Name; if not, sort on that table heading.
C. Store the data for future use by entering a name in the Name field [e.g., B (why that name will become clear in a moment)] and then selecting the Store button.

6. Restore Inclusive Search and Trim to Count Day

A. Restore the previously stored week-all data by entering this name in the Name field and then selecting the Restore button. [Confirm that the restored data is ascending order by date; if not, re-sort it.]
B. Deselect all of the items with the first right-click option.
C. Scroll down to the first item for your watch day, select it, and then do the same for the last sighting for the watch day.
D.[With just the first and last items for your watch day checked] right-click near the Select checkboxes and then do two steps: first, cancel the first popup shown, then accept the second one that mentions selecting a range of items.
E. Note that only your species sightings for the watch day are now checked.
G. Trim Ressults as you did, above and note that only the Watch Day items remain.
H. Store the trimmed data for future use by entering name [e.g., day-all] and selecting the Store button.

7. Aggregate Species Totals for Day

A. Follow steps shown in Step 5, above, confirm that the species are in ascending order by order by Scientific Name.
B. Select the Aggregate Species button. [Inspect results.]
C. Note that these are the data for the Watch Day; store the aggregated list by entering name [e.g., A] and selecting the Store Button.

8. Derive the list of species reported during the Watch Week that were not reported on the Watch Day.

A. [This can be done by using one of the Set Algebra operations shown just above the Messages area.]
B. Set the Parameters for Set A and Set B under the Select drop down menu:
C. For Set A select the name of the Watch Day data [e.g., A].
D. Do the same for Set B for the Watch Week data [e.g., B].
E. With the Stored Sets for Set A and Set B designated in the Parameters line, execute the Set Complement Operation, shown as the symbol B\A\;  this will compute the species that occur during the Watch Week [Set B] but not on the Watch Day [Set A] and display them in the table.
F. Store these results for possible future use [e.g., A\B].

9. Export Results

A. [Results, such as the Watch Day and Watch Week species and aggregated numbers, can be exported in a format for inclusion and possible editing in a spreadsheet, such as Excel, or other program that accepts comma separated values - i.e., .csv - formatted files.]
B. To export data, be sure that the desired data is in the table area and in the desired order, e.g., alphabetical by Scientific Name. Into the form Name field, enter the desired filename and then select the Export button.
C. You may also import exported data back into the table, by entering the name under which it was StoredStored and then selecting I.

December, 20177ber, 20177