Ecological Enhancement:
Quick Start Guide
- What is Ecological Enhancement?
A set of principles and practices to help landowners improve the ecological
quality of their properties
- What are the Values underlying ChicoryLane
and Ecological Enhancement?
Ecological Enhancement Balanced with Preservation through Collaborative
Informed Stewardship
- How does Ecological Enhancement relate to Conservation
Easement and to Forest Management Planning?
Conservation easements primarily protect against subdivision and development.
Most do not address improving the land or restoring parcels to some approximate
earlier state, e.g., old farm restoration. Consider doing more.
- Are there example or in-process Ecological Enhancement projects
at ChicoryLane?
There are a half-dozen projects currently underway at ChecoryLane and an a like
number expected to follow. Visitors are
welcome to visit, talk with us about them, and to explore how what we are doing
might apply to their own interests and properties.
- Where did the term Ecological Enhancement and
the concept come from?
The term emerged in our minds several years ago in reference to ongoing work at
ChicoryLane; we later discovered that the term was already being used in England
landscaping and municipal planning, but with a different emphasis.
For More Information about Ecological Enhancement . . .
July, 2023