ChicoryLane Model:
- Select site(s)
- Ecologically coherent
- Comfortable scale (e.g., 1-3 acres)
- Need or opportunity
- Record it
- Images (before, during, and after)
- Plant Species
(native as well as invasives)
- Base Map (informal)
- Note significant natural features (e.g., streams, rocks or trees, orientation)
- Plan
- Reflect on Documentation Stage
- What have you learned about your site?
- How have your perspective and desires changed?
- Pay special attention to the species already there
- If they thrive in this site, additional plants or similar species probably will,
- What species should be:
- increased?
- dimineshed or removed
- introduced?
- Plant Palettes of
similar or complementary species
- Planting Maps of intended
changes at the palette level
- Implement
- Designate sequences of actions
- Identify resources needed
- Timeline
- Assess
- Reflective Narrative
- How has your project changed the Ecological Quality of the site?
- Qualitative, rather than quantitative, emphasis
- Information and perspective useful to the landowner
- Useful data, where available
- Note relations to surrounding areas